"Your baby may amaze you (and himself!) around this age by rolling over from his back onto his front or vice versa. You can encourage this new ability by placing him on his back and wiggling a toy on the side he usually rolls to. Babies love praise, so congratulate him and smile when he manages to roll. When he's on his stomach, you may find that he sometimes rests from his "head-up" position by putting his head down and drawing his knees up under him so that his bottom goes up. He will practise getting both ends of his body up into the air so that he can eventually achieve the hands-and-knees position he'll need for crawling."
email by babycenter.com today at 8.55am
izz sepatutnya lahir 16 Mei haritu. sebab tu dpt emel ni harini. babycenter ni igt izz lahir on time. so inilah progressnya sekiranya izz dilahirkan on time. alhandulillah since last 2 days izz dah ikut progres sptmana yg babycenter ni bagitau. bergolek, rehatkan kepala n tegangkan lutut supaya punggungnya naik. rupanya proses nak merangkak pulak ye. chaiyok izz!!! abah bangga dgr progres izz yg macam2 minggu ni. ohh ye, termasukla suka menjerit jugak skang ni. hahaha apa2 la izz. :D
semoga izz terus kekal sihat, dikurniakan cerdas akal, cergas tubuh badan dan petah tutur kata utk menghafaz al quran nul kareem dan hadis2 nabi. utk jd muslimin yg berguna, betanggungjawab pd agama, pd Allah. insyaAllah. aminn
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